Are they paying you to spew this crap. It MAY be a left-winger who fires the first shot, but odds are that it will be a right-winger because they have been calling for a “race war” for the past fifty years. Hell, it’s been longer than that! Hence their orders will be given to the enlisted. Well this process is just one level deeper. So much for equal representation, eh. All the lefties convinced the Right is going to kill them in their sleep, all the righties convinced the Left is going to slaughter their children. You will need to choose now what decision you will make should the time come. Trump talks shit like environment he came frome. The Framers knew that you cannot have a true potential for an Egalitarian system with a pure democracy, which just means that you vote for your leadership.. which, by the way can be a vote for a dictator or a theocracy, or whatever., So technically 51 percent wins, but that would be an inequitable representation of the majority will of the people. However, by already being outside of the city it will give you the opportunity to hunker down or bug out. She’s being sequestered somewhere safe now either in the UK or U.S. after she made her escape from China, and working on her evidentiary report. WHOA EVERYBODY!!! But there are more folks in support and logistics functions. That is spurring the anger we cannot even trust our officials to run a moral and legal election. It is a perfect case of accusing others of what you are doing, and Marxists are experts at it. Record amounts of people ran out and bought guns during the lockdown. I’ think they personally like each other to a certain degree. . Yes, you are wrong. The concept of Thou Shalt Not Kill is a misonception. Three Strikes like that and just about any current Potus would have a hard time surviving re-election. Unless you are a rabid, agenda driven radically obsessive MSM who exaggerates the importance of this fact to undermine Trump. Be informed about liberal-progressive groups working in your region today.Be prepared (depending on how serious the threat is in a possible second civil war after “lines” are drawn and new local governments are in power; over in “Ukraine” in the modern day, citizens who considered this threat and moved out of future hot bed cities were smart to do so ahead of … The Framers knew this and tried to cover the bigger picture to ensure that a more accurate over all majority rules, because after all, in a true Egalaitarian Libertarian Republic like we tried to start out as, the outcome of the elections should represent what MOST people would accept as reasonable. There were pictures circulating on the 13th September of dozens of BLM and ANTIFA flagged buses at the 595 truck stop in Ft Lauderdale, FL. I have some input on that which might be relevant to the analysis here as far as the actual tactical applications used in serious insurrection and guerilla urban warfare. With so much division in government, states, and cities, is the U.S. on course for a second Civil War? There was a considerable amount of violence, as paid “activists” tried to affect the election. They use ‘cherry-picked’ stories to support their proprietary control of the flock agendas. Neither side is wrong, neither is right. Now, I’m not a big proponent of bugging out being the Plan A of our strategic plan. They need to prepare for the violence and the attacks to continue against Trump supporters, even if Biden is inaugurated, which it looks like he will be, as much as it pains me to say. And you want to know why? Tensions are increasing and we are hearing the rumor of a civil war. The Right demonizes the Left! China is trying to take over the world. So i doubt, according to my observations and references, that any big military opposition to his directives would be significant (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ... Actually, from a globalist standpoint, a civil war would be a necessity. I’m sure there are some white supremacists around, but I think you would be hard-pressed to find enough of them to fill a volkswagon. In either scenario, the possibility for civil war exists, but I believe it is less likely if Trump is re-elected. I dreamed for months before all these riots happened that me and a bunch of other whites were trying to get away from approaching blacks who were hunting us down and killing us, didn’t make much sense but it is more clear in these present times. The last civil war had 2 sides and 2 entire different regions the north and the south. How To Prepare For The Upcoming Civil War. Think about this division at the Great White Throne Judgment. Even so, more and more seem to be carrying firearms. Recall the activity outside Atlanta at stone mountain on the 4th of July. silencing reporters, creating false narratives or pushing doctored videos as truth, possibly rigging elections / restricting access for voters, calling for violence etc. The left is clearly living in la la land, and the right is getting frustrated more and more each day – but what kind of change does a civil war actually bring. He’s reduced the #’s of illegal’s entering our country. This … Linkedin. Your Subscription; JewsDid9-11 - Change Subscription; show more show less. You have swallowed the main stream propaganda talking points. There’s this commandment in the bible; thou shalt not kill. Assuming I have a 50k ish to spend. I’ve told you before, civil unrest following the election is a near guarantee at this juncture. I’ve told you before, civil unrest following the election is a near guarantee at this juncture. Prepare For Civil War! If you don’t have your civil unrest prepping done yet, you’re running out of time. It’s doubtful that we can have many of these confrontations, without them turning violent. Quite literally, this war will be about keeping America or losing it. Reason Joe’s says He never took a dime from them is that they ran it through his family then he got his laundered cut. Some states even allow those in the electoral college to vote as they want to vote, and not according to what the voters in their area voted. Even so, it appears that nobody pulled the trigger. Remember that one? Since just about everything affects commerce and is affected by commerce, that has given federal lawmakers the opening they have needed, to be able to force the states into conformity and submission. Tips For Writing A Great American Civil War Essay . They’re still denying that Donald Trump won the election fairly and legally. How to prepare for and survive the coming civil war. Safety in numbers, and mutual protection for all. Read President George Washington’s farewell address, he predicted this very situation would arise as soon as political parties formed. If you or I had done what she did with her illegal use of a home server to store highly classified information, we’d be in jail forever. There are enemies of the United States and other countries who are planting division in hopes to see the countries destroyed. There’s no disputing an order, no equivocating, and no collective bargaining. Unfortunately many people (evidently like you) have swallowed that victim narrative propaganda without looking at unbiased data that do not show the victimization. The whole thing came about because the Founders considered the American people — who were mostly simple farmers with no formal education — were too stupid to decide who should be president. There is a lot of belief in the general public that modern day escalating and emotional division between conservatives and liberals is going to cause a radical breakdown of … During martial law you have three choices: fight, flee or deal with it. We are, I believe, a nation that is now under judgement. ago while preparing dinner, my husband and I were having a conversation about which generator to purchase. And don’t forget, your darling Joe Biden voted for segregation, for bussing, for separate but equal schools. With the left-wing media covering for the progressives (Democrats), they can get by with anything, and they know it. As the FBI warns of violence, anti-government extremists are ready to get in on the chaos. A civil war between Republicans and Democrats would have to be house to house and there would have to be a clear objective ( slavery and States Rights were the cause of the first) which there isn’t . @Phantom30 try talking to a real democrat in person, and you’ll find out they love this country just as much as you do. (Nothing surprising there). At least not in the Christianity that I was taught. TruthBTold your right on point! That’s the only way the right can remain righteous in all this, fighting a purely defensive war. So I guess we’re already getting fucked by the govt. Because of the stupidity that Americans . While I realize that Trump would prefer to be “King Trump” as opposed to President, had the popular vote decided the last election rather than the electoral college, he wouldn’t have made it to president. Poshboy is close in his analysis of the hard military reaction. If we were to go back to the original plan, allowing states more autonomy and individuality, that would allow states which want to embrace left-wing ideas to do so, while states which wanted to keep what they have, remaining conservative, could do that too. So that’s why you didn’t casually say ‘I quit this job’ and head for the latest Officers’/NCO club. Rather, there will just be ongoing battles every night, which could go on for years. Kruschev’s answer? It all results from departure of the nations standards that are NOT Biblical or GODly. An since the professional class is better educated, and willing to do the work, they should do it, so we all can just be entertained with “bread and circuses”? Again, no one knows for certain if a civil war will break out. AND COMPLETELY REPLACE IT WITH AN AUTHORITARIAN NANNY STATE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT THAT MAINTAINS TOTAL CONTROL OVER ALL INDIVIDUALS, INSTEAD OF THE OTHER WAY AROUND AS PER THE ORIGINAL PLAN OF THE FOUNDERS…. And while we’re talking about people moaning about illegitimate votes and illegitimate elections, Hillary has been whining for four years about her well-deserved defeat. ALL AMERICANS, are exhibiting! You think this is the fault of white supremacists? But without that, I really don’t see any way to avoid this coming war. So that eliminates the visible affiliation shown by printing on T-shirts and MAGA hats. I am a Constitutional Libertarian. Like the demonstrations which have happened on various college campuses, they think that their demanding something should be enough to force everyone to go along and give them what they want. Rioters are making demands of people, businesses, and governments, attempting to force them to bow their knee to the rioters’ demands. 1b. So you will need some off-grid and renewable resources. It is also another reason why you should get first aid training. The best way to avoid the coming war, assuming it does come, is to not be where the fighting is happening. We don’t live or breathe these positions, but they are still strongly held. Even though the left is targeting the right for “retribution” for voting Trump in 2016 we all know that’s a farce. What’s happening in our country is also happening world wide. Jim Satney October 21, 2020. A culture war has been stirred up. Those people believe they will be able to hide their weapons when they are outlawed and confiscation measures take effect. Again, the differences were more in policy and pragmatic fiscal management than fundamental transformation. Which is why if you set up a consortium to form think tanks with the most advanced minds to come up with the best way to avenge yourself against another superpower like America that you couldn’t stand without risking an all out shooting war with that country and studied possibilities for a couple years to finally arrive at a suitable punishment, there would be more choices than simply manipulating Face book marketing or funneling in funds to buy votes against your ‘enemy.. And the one they ultimately came up with couldn’t have been a better choice for an eternity of scheming. Is it just me, or is there an increase in civil unrest, riots, etc., in recent years? As a retired military (USAF 80-00) disabled (90%SC)) vet and a Democrat (former Republican), I don’t think the majority on the left see the 2016 as a stolen election. Or at least question how Trump is tearing the country apart. Many of us are legitimately concerned by the increase in violence connected with these so called “peaceful protests”, and the way certain people are being targeted by these mobs. Another great option for currency will be precious metals. So please before we get in to two opposing sides, let’s think about it first. If your claim was true there would be piles of bodies littering the streets and our society would be in chaos.. You are simply WRONG in your numbers and suggest how ignorant to the facts you are. I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but Americans hate each other right now. It will be a socialist or communist country, descending into poverty. Available data for firearm and other purchases to some extent bear out some of the “Prepare for Civil War” theory. But what made this different was that it was hard to tell which side people were on. I just think you’re a bit misguided, misled, and subconsciously confused. And don’t forget that Jesus personally got so upset one time that he stormed the synagogue broke up the furniture and beat the shit out of the ‘sinners’ who were ‘defiling’ the teachings of God? Tactical training are exercises that simulate real-life scenarios. They want to see freedom demolished and replaced with an extreme form of communism. If the Socialist Communists gain power in this election, report back here In a couple years (if they don’t condemn this website. Anyway, I believe there are other options out thee besides violence, but I’m armed and ready if there are no other options left. People had seen images of the devastation the Luftwaffe brought to Guernica, a town bombed during the Spanish etc., etc. That camp has the backing of Media, entertainment, Administrative state, and the large Majority of Multinational Oligarchy. The riots we have seen and any further violence is nothing more than a collective temper tantrum. Time’s change and so we must also. However, there are actually more gun owners on the political left than most of us realize. civil war is here and patriots need to prepare for it Conservative patriots across the nation need to prepare for war. And finally, during one of the Antifa appearances in Arizona, someone found a 4-5 page instruction manual for the rioters. We can see this from the types of things that the left is demanding, such as defunding the police, tearing down monuments, changing names to just about anything that connects us with our past, and demanding redistribution of wealth. Now each side seems to go further out on each swing, I truly believe that these further right or left positions are smaller than the main body of the electorate. Elections are hard enough as it is to keep honest but pure highest score only to win of the popular democratic election voting is easier to corrupt. We each have two ears and eyes and only one mouth for a reason. Please let me be wrong, I would be happy to be wrong. Think organ harvesting, no freedom of religion, no concern for human life. Jennifer Davis: The commandment “Thou shalt not kill” is a mis translation. That’s more than have died in any war our country has fought, before or since. Kruschev will be proven right and we’re going to DESTROY OURSELVES!!! If SHTF they will remember your patriotism and target you before others. It’s important for everyone to understand that giving the rioters what they want is like giving in to your 2 year old’s tantrum, they’ll be happy, but only until they want something else. 17 Things to Do Now to Prepare for a Second Civil War. Let’s not clump all republicans or democrats into one group, or all blacks or whites or whatever race into one group due to the actions of a few. Someone else MUST have come up with the same conclusion! When it started is subject to conjecture…Late 1800’s , early 1900’s , Great Depression, Early 60’s, Welfare state…take your pick. However, you may not have immediate access to an airport in such a conflict. Instead, I want to give you tips on how to prepare for the coming civil war. The sad truth is that peaceful, well-intended demonstrations are increasingly turning violent. Wow, let us all sit around the campfire and sing Kumbaya. Those actions can dynamically shift things. We will not only have failed ourselves, in losing this war but the world as well, as the next two strongest countries in the country are China and Russia. If Marxism & Communism = BAD; and Marxism and Communism is working in favor of Donald Trump, then doesn’t that make Trump = BAD? A friend in NZ sends me news she has found from Europe, different countries in Europe. You should expect it in such a scenario. Russia did try to foment chaos/instability and division in our elections through disinformation about BOTH candidates. So far, I just don’t see it. He’s an ex-KGB agent and a ruthless murderer who kills anyone who stands in his way. The right will just have bigger targets – big tech, big pharma, and much richer executives to handle. Tatoos could mark them, and a Militia Re-Education Camp might have an impact. As the FBI warns of violence, anti-government extremists are ready to get in on the chaos. Multiple forces, societal, economic, philosophical, and cultural have been allied to “fundamentally transform” our country. However, the most important thing is the safety of your family and yourself. I’m a senor citizen and doubt I could properly handle a gun any more like I once could. e.g. Yes, we are an ideologically divided country but it is based on intentional underlying brainwashing over the last couple of generations. BLM and ANTIFA are both getting more violent and I myself and all patriots will protect their own families at all cost! In a way, it is related only to the fact that all wars are not a good thing and organized religion was historically the cause of, but never the cure for most of humanity’s hatred and conflicts. You sound very intelligent, but very misinformed. It shows that Americans are buying guns and ammunition in record numbers. I am following your election campaigns and will be watching the election results. That recognition of personal freedom. You can also use water-purifying straws at home. Other countries have fallen to civil war and it was a mess, look Lebanon, Haiti, etc. “Election Day nears Comrades!!! Lastly, as you well know, the military, while maintaining its own in-house politics that usually interfaced with civilian politics, certainly at command levels, still retains pretty tight autonomy when it comes to rank and file integrations.. That’s why they call it a ‘Chain of Command’. BLM coined the chant, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.” And don’t forget, the Democrat party is the party of slavery. Luke 22: 32-36 mentions Jesus telling his disiples to ‘gun up’ by selling their clothes, if they must, to get a couple more swords in case of trouble. Most likely during this time stores will be looted. The amazing thing was that no shots were fired in that confrontation, although there were plenty of angry words spoken… or shouted. I DO NOT want a race war. That’s what happens when you try to push something like Socialism onto the American people. The tough streets of Big city Construction and real estate and big business. Charles Manson ordered his “family” to commit the Tate and Bianca murders because HE wanted to start a “race war!” This is something that whites have wanted ever since the end of the Civil War and I fear that they will start another civil war, just to get the “race war” that they’ve craved for so long. That isn’t tactical training and has little benefit in a live conflict. That many people repeating the exact same script should raise a red flag. So you will need other sources of heat to cook such as propane or kerosene stoves. As humans, we were created to thrive off of relationships. I think I know many ways how to handle it:You understand that to be a general is a great advantage if you want to stay alive. The Democrats are likewise fools in the group which blames their guilt on everyone else but themselves. The answer in my humble-but very knowlegeable experience, is quite simply, NO. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. on nov. 4 don’t forget to disguise yourselves as patriots/Trump supports: wear MAGA hats, USA flags, 3%er Insignias, a convincing police uniform is even better! 1280 x 720. These riots have taken the so called racial divide back about a hundred years, what good did that do? 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