Modern mobile browsers are able to automatically detect phone numbers and enable click to call. 3954. Click to Call on phone numbers that are not defined as links. Click To Call replaces server call out and call box. File : res/layout/main.xml In the /res/layout folder, add a web view to activity_main.xml. TeleQ Click to Call is an application that enables call out directly with your mobile in TeleQ. 1. However, some of them like Chrome for Android can detect phone numbers but do not wrap the number in a hyperlink or apply any special styles. This example demonstrates about how do I start new Activity on click button in Android. Receive a Call Back A button, image, or text on the site or app lets the user enters a phone number and requests an immediate call back. How to Make a Conference Call on Android in 8 Easy Steps . Easy to use/ make phone calls. Create a new Android project in Eclipse. Turn phone number in your spreadsheet to click-to-talk, click-to-dial. Tap Add Call option when you want to add a new caller. This tutorial covers how to make a 3-Way call on Android in 8 easy steps. P.S This project is developed in Eclipse 3.7, and tested with Android 2.3.3. The settings for making a conference call vary, depending on whether your phone is an Android or iPhone. How to create a android app and automatically call a mobile phone number on button click event. In this tutorial, we show you how to make a phone call in Android,and monitor the phone call states via PhoneStateListener. A menu will appear - select "Call … Select a phone number in your spreadsheet and click to call. ... eProxy For Android. 1698